Integrating OERs for Science Education


Course Description

The course aims at promoting the use of OERs as part of science education. Pedagogy of Science is based on the fact that what students learn is to be in the connection with the real world, it has to have applications and relevant use, it should be able to cater to the diversity of races, cultures of the students. What is it about learning science that is so difficult or challenging that most students choose not to continue taking science beyond the required courses and most adults feel uncomfortable participating in science-related debates, even those that impact their communities. The answer is it is the lack of proper dissemination of the content and that is why it becomes essentially important to empower the science teachers which can make them feel confident about preparing their own content so as to make the entire process of teaching- learning more relevant, need based and meaningful. The project would focus on identifying the various OERs available for delivery of content. It will also guide as to how the same can be integrated for the daily teaching-learning process and make science learning more experiential and fun.

Course Content

Week 1 

Module 1 - Science Education

Week 2 

Module 2 - OER : Concept, Need, Licensing and tools/ sources of OERs

Week 3 

Module 3 - Ways of integrating OERs in Science education

Course Audience

Teachers, researchers, curriculum developers and students.

Outcomes of this Course

After the completion of the course the participant will be able to;

  1. Recognize evolving nature of Science education
  2. Analyze limitations and challenges of Science education
  3. Examine the significance of OERs in Education.
  4. Analyze the need of OER in Science Education
  5. Identify various types of OERs for science education
  6. Analyse the ways to Integrate OERs in Science Education

About Certificates

Certificates will be issued as follows

Participation certificate:- On completion of all three modules with participating in any activity

Certificate of Merit:- On completion of all three modules along with participation in discussion forums, attempting quiz etc. and other activities.